Sunday, February 18, 2007

I survived the first night...almost...

Baby Yi Xin was discharged yesterday from the hospital in the afternoon. Her first day home was very eventful for her parents. Karen's still learning to cope with her breast feeding technique and I am learning to make formula milk. Karen is currently not producing milk in large quantites so the baby feeds for long periods of time. We finally gave up about 1 am in the morning and gave her formula milk. We found she sleeps longer with formula milk. Lucky that both my parents are here to help around the house with the cooking and cleaning.
One thing for sure our attention is directed to the crying, feeding and constant diaper checking (it's normal for new borns to pooh very little, I think.. I am struggling with all of the above task. And both of us are lacking in sleep. Came morning, I was so drowsy and Karens was exhausted but we survived...Almost....But after all that, all the baby got to do was smile and our fatigue goes away....

Yi Xin at home.

Yi Xin with her auntie prior to discharging from hospital.

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