Took a day off today to tend to house hold matters. My aunt called and she wanted to do her passport. So for lunch I decided to go to USJ10 Taipan to buy chicken rice. This place was recommended by one acquaintance I met some time ago. She said her son like this chicken rice very much. It situated at the 3 end lots coffee shops in Taipan. The one behind Ampang Yong Tau Fu. Bought two packets of Siew Yoke with chicken. It was indeed tasty. No regrets.
After that I had to go to Giant USJ for some errants. Decided to have the ABC there. This place is known for it's cendol. The cendol is one of the best I had in PJ or KL. No surprises here. Two thumbs up.
ChickenRice at USJ 10.

ABC at Giant USJ.

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